Gemini during Gemini month


We are balls deep into the month of the astrological sign:

Gemini. What better month to use & post to the protocol of

the same name? It is also the Zodiac sign and birth month

of 2 of my cousins, my bro, and one of my waifus!

Gemini follows Taurus and precedes Cancer on the Zodiac.

Notice that Cancer and Capricorn are equidistant from each-

other on the Zodiac, and that 1 nearly coincides with the

Summer solstice, & the other nearly coincides w/ the Winter

solstice. Geographically, the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of

Capricorn are equidistant from eachother and the equator,

positioned at 23 degrees N for Cancer, and S for Capricorn.

On a largely unrelated note, any Halo fans reading this may

remember the Halo 2 map Gemini. It was a dark purple map w/

automatic doors that made a beautiful and uncanny beeping

sound when you passed through them.

If you haven't already, please put this month to good use &

write about something, anything in your gemlog before the

end of June 20th!
